“I have a high deductible with my insurance. Why isn’t any practice able to tell me how much my visit will cost?” One...
Troy MI Dermatologist
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Get Rid of Your Magnifying Mirror
Each week I see several patients who are fixated on a tiny spot or blemish that they noticed while looking into their...
American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting in Boston!
Dr. Dupati Attended the AAD Annual Meeting in Boston This past weekend, Dr. Dupati had the privilege of going to the...
You Can Always Count on the Staff at Apollo Dermatology
The Importance of Availability Many of our patients have noticed that even though we are only open for clinical visits...
Online Dermatology Products and Evidence Based Medicine
Are The Online Dermatology Products You See For Real? Be aware that many dermatology products advertised online are...
Mohs Surgery: Treatment of Skin Cancer
What is Mohs Surgery? Mohs surgery is an outpatient procedure that can be performed in a clinic under local...