Medical Dermatology in Southeast Michigan

Board Certified Medical Dermatology in Southeast Michigan

At Apollo Dermatology we perform medical dermatology  treatments for acne, warts, rashes, abnormal moles, and skin cancers.

All medical dermatology procedures are performed by one of our highly trained Board Certified Dermatologists.

Birthmark Evaluation

A variety of birthmarks can be present on individuals ranging from vascular birthmarks (hemangiomas, port wine stains) to pigmented birthmarks (cafe au lait macules, congenital nevi). Each of these birthmarks need to be evaluated carefully and have different treatments depending on their natural progressions and risk levels. At Apollo Dermatology, we can both evaluate and provide the best course of treatment for any birthmarks.

Impetigo Treatment

Impetigo is caused by a superficial bacterial infection. Although this is most often present in children, it can also show up in adults. Depending on the severity of the impetigo, both topical and oral treatments can be used to quickly resolve it. At Apollo Dermatology, we can provide the best impetigo treatment for you.

Shingles Treatment

Shingles is caused by reactivation of the Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). While generally associated with elderly adults, we are seeing this present in individuals in their 20s and 30s as of late. Although the cause of reactivation varies from person to person, stress appears to play a significant role. To prevent post herpetic neuralgia, it is very important to make an appointment with a dermatologist to treat and calm down a shingles flare as soon as possible. The right combination of oral and topical treatments can resolve shingles quickly.

Melasma Treatment

Melasma is defined as the brown patches that develop primarily on women (but also men) as a result of sun exposure. Some women develop significant melasma during pregnancy. Patients often report a strong family history of melasma as well. At Apollo Dermatology, we work closely with a compounding pharmacy to provide the best topical treatments for melasma.

Hair Loss Evaluation and Treatment

Hair loss can be the result of a variety of conditions including androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, lichen planopilaris, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, alopecia areata, frontal fibrosing alopecia, traction alopecia, or trichotillomania. We often find that patients have been misdiagnosed and treated incorrectly. At Apollo Dermatology, we will determine your specific pattern of hair loss and provide the best treatments. A range of natural supplements and prescription medications can be used to give you the best outcome.

Cold Sore Treatment

Cold sores are incredibly frustrating and happen at the worst possible times. They are caused by a flare of the Herpes Simplex Virus. At Apollo Dermatology, we can help to alleviate active flares and provide long term solutions to keep your cold sores at bay.

Poison Ivy Rash

Michigan is one of the most beautiful states to take in nature. However, we also have a lot of poison ivy. In the summers, we often see patients who have been exposed to poison ivy and develop a very itchy and painful rash. At Apollo Dermatology, we can start you on both oral and topical treatments to get rid of the rash and itching quickly.

Mystery Rashes

Did you know that there are over 5,000 conditions that board-certified dermatologists treat regularly? In this mix are a variety of rashes that most people (and most doctors even) have never heard of. At Apollo Dermatology, we have played a critical role in determining the identity of mystery rashes and subsequently developing treatment plans. Some of these mystery rashes include discoid lupus, sarcoidosis, perniosis, dermatomyositis, interstitial granulomatous disease, Kawasaki syndrome, neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and Norwegian scabies.

Molluscum Treatments

Molluscum Contagiosum are infectious lesions caused by a parapox virus, predominantly in children, but can sometimes be seen in adults as well. These lesions are contagious and can spread to children’s siblings and friends. In adults, molluscum lesions in the genital area can be a sign of a sexually transmitted disease. At Apollo Dermatology, we have a range of treatments available to treat these lesions.

Skin Cancer Screening

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends a yearly skin cancer screening for all individuals 18 and older. This involves taking a close look at all your skin in search of skin cancers (Basal Cell Skin Cancer, Squamous Cell Skin Cancer, Melanoma, Merkel Cell Skin Cancer, Dermatofibrosarcoma Proberans). If you have a strong family history of skin cancer or a history of tanning bed use or extensive sun exposure, a yearly skin cancer screening is an absolute must. However, we routinely find skin cancers in patients who have no strong family history of skin cancer or extensive sun exposure. Dr. Dupati was trained extensively in dermoscopy and skin cancer screening techniques at the University of Michigan Melanoma Clinic where he was a dermatology resident.

Skin Exam to Evaluate Moles

At Apollo Dermatology, we have the expertise to evaluate all of your various moles carefully. We screen for changes in size, changes in shape, changes in color, pain, itching, and bleeding. Some types of moles include dysplastic nevi, compound nevi, intradermal nevi, junctional nevi, halo nevi, and Spitz nevi. During your skin cancer screening, we are specifically looking for melanomas and dysplastic nevi.

Evaluation of Skin Growths

Our bodies can grow a variety of lumps and bumps on our skin. Some of these can include lipomas, epidermal inclusion cysts, angiofibromas, cherry angiomas, hemangiomas, neurofibromas, acrochordons (skin tags), and angiokeratomas. At Apollo Dermatology, we can determine what your skin growth is and offer treatment plans accordingly.

Rosacea Treatments

There are two predominant types of rosacea: papulopustular rosacea and erythematotelangiectatic rosacea. Depending on the type you have, the treatments vary significantly. For papulopustular rosacea a combination of topical and oral treatments are needed. Whereas, erythematotelangiectatic rosacea is better treated with lasers and select topical treatments. At Apollo Dermatology, we can determine your specific type of rosacea and formulate the best plan for your skin.

Acne Treatments

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases in the world. A variety of topical and oral treatments help to treat acne, ranging from retinoids to antibiotics. At Apollo Dermatology, our treatments will be tailored to your specific acne needs. Dr. Dupati is also extensively trained in the use of isotretinoin (more commonly known as Accutane) for the treatment of acne. He has treated over 500 patients successfully using isotretinoin with excellent results.


Psoriasis in an autoimmune condition that affects 1% of the world population. Up to 30% of patients with psoriasis also have psoriatic arthritis. At Apollo Dermatology, we use state of the art medical dermatology procedures to effectively treate psoriasis with: topical steroids, topical Vitamin D analogs, narrowband UVB phototherapy, and biologics (Humira, Enbrel, Remicade, Skyrizi, Tremfya, Ilumya, Cosentyx, Siliq, Taltx, Cimzia). Treatments are tailored to each patient based on disease severity and limitations.

Wart Treatments

Warts are incredibly frustrating to deal with, but are extremely common. There are multiple types of warts (flat warts, verruca vulgaris, genital warts). Each type of wart must be treated differently. At Apollo Dermatology, we are able to offer a range of procedural and topical treatments to treat and ultimately eliminate warts, using the latest techniques in medical dermatology.

Eczema Treatments

Eczema is prevalent both in children and adults. Eczema can be a result of a deficiency in the skin barrier, but also by the cold low-humidity Michigan winter weather. At Apollo Dermatology, we are able to treat eczema with using medical dermatology treatments such as topical steroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors, phototherapy, bleach baths, and even biologics such as Dupixent for severe cases.

Dermatology Services

Our expertise and state-of-the-art technology cater to those seeking treatment for medical conditions as well as those desiring aesthetic enhancements. With a diverse array of offerings, including skin cancer surgery, acne treatment, Botox, and fillers, we tailor our services to accommodate your distinct requirements.

Medical Dermatology

Treatments for acne, warts, rashes, abnormal moles, and skin cancers.

Surgical Dermatology

Surgical procedures to remove unwanted growths, abnormal moles, cysts, and skin cancers.

Cosmetic Dermatology

Cosmetic procedures include Botox, fillers, laser treatments, chemical peels, microneedling, and custom topical treatments.