Keeping or cancelling your dermatology appointment with Dr. Dupati. The staff at Apollo Dermatology works efficiently...
Troy MI Dermatologist
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ABCDE’s of Melanoma
What do I need to know about melanoma? One easy way to remember common characteristics of melanoma is to think...
The Power of a Second Opinion in Dermatology Treatments
We have recently seen a flurry of patients come to our clinic for a second opinion. Patients coming to our Apollo...
My Excellent Staff at Apollo Dermatology
Many of our patients are well aware of the wonderful staff members that we have at Apollo Dermatology. The staff at...
Appointment Cancellations and Availability at Apollo Dermatology
Can my existing dermatology appointment be moved up? Our staff will always do their best to accommodate your...
When should a mole be seen by a doctor?
How do I know if a mole needs to be checked out? Self skin surveillance should be a very important part of everyone’s...