Can my existing dermatology appointment be moved up? Our staff will always do their best to accommodate your...
Skin Cancer
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When should a mole be seen by a doctor?
How do I know if a mole needs to be checked out? Self skin surveillance should be a very important part of everyone’s...
Get Rid of Your Magnifying Mirror
Each week I see several patients who are fixated on a tiny spot or blemish that they noticed while looking into their...
Mohs Surgery: Treatment of Skin Cancer
What is Mohs Surgery? Mohs surgery is an outpatient procedure that can be performed in a clinic under local...
Our Dermatologist Says “Don’t Forget to Pack your Sunscreen!”
Dr. Dupati's #1 Vacation Recommendation "Don’t Forget to Pack your Sunscreen!" Almost every other patient has...
Say No to Tanning Beds
Say No To Tanning Beds Skin cancer and tanning beds.. the danger is real One of my first questions to a patient is...