How do I know if a mole needs to be checked out? Self skin surveillance should be a very important part of everyone’s...
Education & Training
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Get Rid of Your Magnifying Mirror
Each week I see several patients who are fixated on a tiny spot or blemish that they noticed while looking into their...
American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting in Boston!
Dr. Dupati Attended the AAD Annual Meeting in Boston This past weekend, Dr. Dupati had the privilege of going to the...
Dr. Dupati – In-Patient Consults At Troy Beaumont
Consulting on Severe Skin Conditions Working with patients and doctors at Troy Beaumont Hospital in Michigan Patients...
“Why is there sometimes another physician during my visit?”
Apollo Dermatology's Medical Residents Teaching the next generation of great doctors in Michigan Patients who visit...
Do Not Take The Risk of Using an Unqualified Professional for Botox Injections
Board Certified Dermatologist = Safety and Great Results We fix the $8/Unit Botox As many of you have likely already...