Skin Care for Airline Travel Treat your skin right while in flight. As many of you already know, I can be very picky...
Troy MI Dermatologist
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Our Dermatologist Says “Don’t Forget to Pack your Sunscreen!”
Dr. Dupati's #1 Vacation Recommendation "Don’t Forget to Pack your Sunscreen!" Almost every other patient has...
Compression Socks to the Rescue! A Recommendation for Dr. Dupati about Stasis Dermatitis
Compression Socks Can Help With Stasis Dermatitis Embrace the use of compression socks As we age (err I mean get...
Bactroban (Mupirocin 2%) Ointment
Faster Healing after Surgery Using Mupirocin/Bactroban ointment after a surgical dermatology procedure Mupirocin 2%...
You Can Text Apollo Dermatology!
Text Us! Ease of Communication is of High Importance at Apollo Dermatology One of our main goals when starting our...
Understanding Your Insurance for Dermatology Treatments
How Can I Better Understand My Health Insurance? Understanding Your Insurance for Dermatology Treatments Even as a...