Skin Conditions: The Importance of In-Person Visits for Proper Diagnosis

Skin Conditions - the Importance of In-Person Visits for Proper Evaluation and Treatment at Apollo Dermatology Troy MI
April 5, 2024

The Importance of In-Person Visits for Skin Condition Evaluation and Treatment at Apollo Dermatology

At Apollo Dermatology, we are deeply committed to providing our patients with the highest standard of care and ensuring the utmost safety in all treatments and evaluations. Our dedication to your health and well-being is at the forefront of our practice, guiding our policies and approaches, especially when it comes to assessing and treating skin conditions. We understand that in today’s fast-paced world, the convenience of digital communication is undeniable. However, when it comes to medical evaluations, especially dermatological ones, the need for in-person visits cannot be overstated.

Why In-Person Visits Are Essential

Skin conditions are incredibly varied and can present in ways that are subtle and complex. Accurately diagnosing and treating these conditions requires a detailed examination that goes beyond what can be achieved through phone calls or photographs. In-person evaluations allow Dr. Dupati and our team to observe the nuances of your skin condition, including texture, coloration, and other factors that simply cannot be captured fully through images. This comprehensive assessment is crucial for devising an effective treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Moreover, in-person visits ensure that the treatments prescribed are safe and appropriate for your condition. Skin, being the largest organ of the body, can exhibit symptoms that might be indicative of underlying health issues. Only through a thorough examination can these be accurately identified and addressed.

The Risks of Remote Assessments

Relying on remote assessments, including phone consultations or evaluations based on photos, can lead to misdiagnoses and the implementation of ineffective or even harmful treatment strategies. It is also important to note that such practices pose significant liability risks. Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis due to the limitations of remote assessments can lead to adverse outcomes for patients, which is a situation we strive to avoid at all costs. Therefore, ensuring the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment through in-person visits is not only a matter of providing quality care but also a legal and ethical obligation.

Privacy, Safety, and Communication

Understanding the importance of privacy and direct communication, we want to assure our patients that while Dr. Dupati’s personal email and phone number cannot be provided for additional questions outside of scheduled appointments, our dedicated medical assistants and office manager at Apollo Dermatology are more than capable of addressing your concerns. Should you have any questions or need clarity on your condition or treatment plan, we encourage you to call our office. Our staff is equipped to handle your inquiries and can consult Dr. Dupati directly if necessary to determine whether your questions can be addressed over the phone or require an in-person evaluation.


At Apollo Dermatology, we prioritize your health and safety above all. We understand the desire for quick, remote consultations in our increasingly digital world. However, the complexities of dermatological care demand the precision and depth of in-person evaluations. This approach minimizes risks, ensures the highest standard of care, and upholds our commitment to your well-being. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these policies, which are in place to protect and improve your health. For any concerns or to schedule an appointment, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office. Your skin health is our utmost priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for choosing Apollo Dermatology for your dermatological needs. We look forward to continuing to serve you with the highest level of care.

Warm Regards,

The Apollo Dermatology Team

Schedule a consultation today or call us at 248-436-4888 to to make an appointment.

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Apollo Dermatology – Board Certified Dermatologist Office serving Auburn Hills, Lake Orion, Rochester Hills, Troy MI, and all of Southeast Michigan