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Encourage Your Loved Ones to Get Their Yearly Skin Cancer Screening

At Apollo Dermatology, we prioritize your health and well-being, and that includes the health of your loved ones. Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, but with early detection, it is also one of the most treatable. That’s why we’re encouraging all of our patients to bring their family members in for a yearly skin cancer screening.

Why Skin Cancer Screenings Are Important

Skin cancer can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or skin type. Early detection is key to successful treatment, and a yearly screening can help catch any potential issues before they become serious. Here’s why these screenings are crucial:

  1. Early Detection Saves Lives: Identifying skin cancer in its early stages greatly increases the chances of successful treatment. Regular screenings can catch abnormalities before they develop into more serious conditions.
  2. Non-Invasive and Quick: Skin cancer screenings are non-invasive and typically take less than 10 minutes. It’s a small time investment for something that could save a life.
  3. Peace of Mind: Regular screenings provide peace of mind, knowing that you’re taking proactive steps to monitor your health. They also set a positive example for loved ones to prioritize their health.

Who Should Get Screened?

Everyone should consider regular skin cancer screenings, but it’s especially important for those who:

  • Spend a lot of time in the sun
  • Have a history of sunburns
  • Use tanning beds
  • Have a family history of skin cancer
  • Notice new or changing moles or skin lesions

How to Encourage Your Family to Get Screened

We understand that convincing family members to take that first step can be challenging. Here are some tips to encourage your loved ones to get their yearly skin cancer screening:

  1. Share Information: Educate your family about the importance of early detection and how simple the screening process is. Sharing articles, brochures, and personal stories can make a significant impact.
  2. Lead by Example: Schedule your own screening and invite your family to join you. Showing that you prioritize your health can motivate them to do the same.
  3. Make It a Family Affair: Schedule appointments for everyone on the same day. Turning it into a family outing can make the experience more enjoyable and less daunting.
  4. Address Their Concerns: Listen to any fears or misconceptions they might have about the screening process. Reassure them that the procedure is quick, painless, and performed by experienced professionals.
  5. Highlight the Benefits: Emphasize the peace of mind that comes with knowing their skin health is being monitored regularly. Remind them that early detection can lead to easier and more effective treatment.

Schedule an Appointment Today

At Apollo Dermatology, our team of dedicated professionals is here to provide comprehensive skin cancer screenings for you and your family. We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure thorough and accurate assessments.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Encourage your loved ones to take charge of their health by scheduling their yearly skin cancer screening today. Contact us at 248-436-4888 or visit our website at to book an appointment.

Remember, early detection is the best protection. Let’s work together to keep your family healthy and safe.


Taking care of your skin is a vital part of your overall health. By encouraging your family members to get their yearly skin cancer screening, you’re helping to protect them from potential risks. At Apollo Dermatology, we’re committed to providing the highest standard of care and making sure your loved ones receive the attention they deserve.

Thank you for trusting us with your skin health. We look forward to seeing you and your family soon.

Warm Regards,

The Apollo Dermatology Team

Schedule a consultation today or call us at 248-436-4888 to to make an appointment.

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Apollo Dermatology - Board Certified Dermatologist Office serving Auburn Hills, Lake Orion, Rochester Hills, Troy MI, and all of Southeast Michigan


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9 AM - 4:30 PM

9 AM - 4:30 PM

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9 AM - 1:00 PM

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Apollo Dermatology, Board Certifified Dermatologist in Rochester Hills

555 Barclay Circle
Suite 170
Rochester Hills, Michigan


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Apollo Dermatology - Board Certified Dermatologist Office serving Auburn Hills, Lake Orion, Rochester Hills, Troy MI, and all of Southeast Michigan